Brainfuse - Open Classroom Gui…
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Last modified on 2/19/2021 3:46 PM by User.


Brainfuse - Open Classroom Guide

Scheduling Sessions: Tutors and Students

Brainfuse enables tutors and administrators to schedule sessions with one or more students. These sessions, once scheduled, are automatically confirmed and will be available for tutors and students to enter at the given time.

To schedule sessions with students from a tutor account, follow the steps below.


1.       To schedule a session, select “Add New Session” from your tutor home page.




2.       In the Prearranged Sessions box, click “Select” to proceed.



Scheduling an Open meeting: Open meetings allows any student to join a tutor during a scheduled session.


1.       Title: enter a name for the session you are scheduling. This can be the student’s name or the content you expect to cover during the session.

2.       Open meeting: leave the bubble next to “Open meeting” filled and selected

3.       Subject: enter the subject you intend on assisting the student(s) with during the session.

4.       Notes: this field is optional. Session notes (including topics or questions to cover) may be included here for both tutors and students to view prior to and during the session.

5.       Date & Time: enter the date and time for the session to begin and end.

6.       Recurring: tutors may choose from the recur options to schedule future sessions with the same students at the same time.

7.       When the details are finalized, select “Add Session” to schedule the session. 

8.       Once added, the prearranged session will be automatically approved and added to the calendar for both tutor and student(s).

a.       Tutors will access these sessions as they do any other scheduled sessions.

b.      Students will access these sessions from their Brainfuse homepage via the “Office Hours” option.

Scheduling a meeting with specific students: Tutors can also schedule meetings with specific student(s). These meetings are closed and only accessible to those invited.



1.       Title: enter a name for the session you are scheduling. This can be the student’s name or the content you expect to cover during the session.

2.       Student(s): select the specific students by clicking “Add” in the box. This will allow tutors to search for currently enrolled students to add to the session.

3.       Checkbox: check the box if you would like to invite multiple students at one time to a private whiteboard with only you. If you invite multiple students and leave this box unchecked, all of the students will be together in a public, group whiteboard.

4.       Subject: enter the subject you intend on assisting the student(s) with during the session.

5.       Notes: this field is optional. Session notes (including topics or questions to cover) may be included here for both tutors and students to view prior to and during the session.

6.       Date & Time: enter the date and time for the session to begin and end.

7.       Recurring: tutors may choose from the recur options to schedule future sessions with the same students at the same time.

8.       When the details are finalized, select “Add Session” to schedule the session. 

9.       Once added, the prearranged session will be automatically approved and added to the calendar for both tutor and student(s).

a.       Tutors will access these sessions as they do any other scheduled sessions.

b.      Students will access these sessions from “My Calendar” in their Brainfuse accounts.


Starting Scheduled Sessions: Once a session has been scheduled, tutors must begin the scheduled tutoring session before any student(s) can enter the meeting space.

1.       Prior to the scheduled tutoring session, log in to your Brainfuse tutor account. Your tutoring sessions scheduled for that day will appear at the top of homepage for easy access. You can access the details about each session by selecting the date/time of the session from the homepage.

2.       To begin the scheduled tutoring session, click on the enter icon noted with the session.  This will prompt a pop-up window with the Brainfuse Tutor Whiteboard to appear.  All online tutoring sessions will use this whiteboard.